Romney Berated & Called ‘Traitor’ at Salt Lake City Airport Over Electoral College Decision [WATCH]


Salt Lake City, UT (WBAP/KLIF) – U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah was berated at an airport last nigh for not supporting President Trump’s effort to thwart the Congressional certification of electoral college results in the 2020 Presidential Election.

In a video posted to Twitter, Romney is waiting for his to Washington, DC when an a woman who said that she’s from Utah angrily approaches him and calls him out for not siding with Trump’s [unsubstantiated] claims of election fraud.

After a brief exchange about the woman not wearing a mask, she asks the Senator:

Why aren’t you supporting President Trump?

Romney replies, “I do support President Trump,” Romney answers. “I’m sorry, I do agree with many of the things he’s for and I support him.”

When the woman presses for an answer Romney replies: ““It’s a long story but it’s a constitutional process and the constitution is clear,” Romney says. “I will follow the constitution and I will explain all that when we meet in Congress this week.”


Romney eventually gathers his belongings and beings walking to his gate.

Later, on the plane, he is met with chants of “Traitor, traitor.

Several Republicans are expected to object to the vote over alleged voter fraud, including Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas.

Meantime, former U-S Attorney General Bill Barr, along with a number of federal judges, including the U-S Supreme Court and multiple Secretaries of State say they saw no evidence of widespread fraud in the 20-20 election that would overturn the results.

(Copyright 2020 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News)

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