Inaugural “Dallas Bike Ride” Caters to Growing Cycling Community in North Texas

DALLAS  (WBAP/KLIF News) – Dozens of North Texas bike enthusiasts will ride through the Dallas city streets Saturday morning for the inaugural Dallas Bike Ride.

Michelle Cleveland helped organize the event which will take participants on a 20-mile closed-road recreational ride through nine Dallas neighborhoods.

She said the culture of cycling is growing in the Metroplex and not just from a recreational standpoint.

“There’s so many cars out on the road, there’s limited parking, too much traffic. People are thinking that biking is a great way of getting from place A to place B and also it’s a great way to have fun while you’re exercising,” said Cleveland.

The City of Dallas has responded to that need with more designated bike lanes and paved trails popping up across the city.

“People are starting to not only bike on the trails on the weekends but also bike more around town. I think that’s why we see all these dockless ride share companies sprout up and the city proposing to build more protective biking structures,” she said.

The route goes through nine neighborhoods and ends at City Hall with a post-ride celebration.

Click here for information about the event or how to register.

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