The Faces of Drunk Driving

(WBAP/KLIF) TX DOT Reports that in 2016 there were 13,510 crashes in Texas involving young drivers (ages 17-34) under the influence of alcohol.

Kandi Wylie represents just one member of the 535 families who lost someone in those crashes. Wylie lost her 20 year old daughter, Janakae Sargento, to a drunk driver in 2006.

Wylie now says she’s committed to spreading the message behind her daughters’ story: “I gave it to GOD and I had two choices: to either stand there and cry or I could find a way to pick myself up by the boots straps and move forward and make a difference.”

Wylie says she’ll keep re-living her heartbreak if it keeps someone else from going through the same thing.

More information on the TX DOT ‘Plan While You Can’ campaign can be found at:

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