Nicole Osei, 5/16/2017; The Importance of Being “Outdoorsy”

I know that the title of this blog will illicit eye rolls from some but I try and spread good energy whenever and wherever I can.

I really do think that there is something healing about being in nature and I am always encouraging people to get off the couch and go outside.

I can remember being a child and spending hours outdoors…whether I was playing with the kids in the neighborhood, riding my bike or swimming.

All of the neighborhood kids had the same curfew…we all knew that when the street lights came on we had better be at home.

Now that I am older, I enjoy nature on a completely different level. I go biking and running several times a week but the difference is that I am more aware of my surroundings.

I have a deeper appreciation for the clean air that I breathe, the statuesque trees, gorgeous green grass and beautiful flowers.

Nature has lifted my mood more times than I can remember.

I hope that is something that today’s youth still find joy in.

These days, I see so many kids on some sort of technological device. They seem completely disengaged from their surroundings.

My hope is that that phenomena is more of the exception than the norm.

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