Senator Cruz Calls President Trump’s Media Coverage “Absurd”

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) — Senator Ted Cruz is weighing in on the White House’s decision to block specific media groups from a press briefing Friday.

Speaking before a roundtable for small business leaders at Dallas Baptist University, Cruz says the media coverage over what he called less important stories has gotten out of hand.

“I wish there was less focus on the circus and the latest tweet and the latest comment and more focus on substance,” Cruz told reporters before speaking at the roundtable. “How do we solve the problems?”

He says he’s not surprised with how the Trump Administration is fighting back when media organizations either report on or criticize negative aspects of the Donald Trump’s presidency.

“Part of the reason has been because the coverage by the press of this president is absurd,” Cruz said. “Too many members of the press are operating as political operatives rather than as fair and objective journalists.”

On Friday, a number of media groups including CNN, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Politico and BuzzFeed were not allowed to enter press secretary Sean Spicer’s office for a scheduled White House briefing.

Cruz says the frustration is not just in the White House, but also amongst Texans.

“They’re frustrated with reporters who don’t report on the news but instead every tweet the President sends,” Cruz said. “Every comment the President makes is treated like an outrage of the minute by the press.”

Fortunately for local media in Texas, Cruz didn’t have nearly as many qualms.

“I think the Texas media is a heck of a lot more fair than the national media, and that’s a good thing,” Cruz said. “It may be because we’re all living in America and not that strange place called Washington D.C.”

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