Marlee McCormick, 12/16/16: It’s Better To Give Than To Receive…..

Marlee ChristmasI love Christmas! And I love to shop for people….oh who am I kidding, I just plain love to shop. Hooray for me, Christmas combines two of my favorite things!

I really do get a lot of satisfaction picking out gifts for my family, friends and co-workers. Things that remind me of them or things I know they really want but might not buy for themselves. You might say I have a problem, I like to make people happy. (My husband likes to tell me that we’re going broke just so I can get to the next level on my Neiman Marcus points)

I guess I do go a little overboard, but it’s only once a year and giving is the spirit of the season. Many would argue that I should be giving of my time and not gifts. Maybe that’s true and I should work on it, find a way to volunteer or help others…but I grew up with very little family, an only child raised by a single mom. She was one of the most generous people I’ve ever known and I hope she passed that on to me.

To me on Christmas morning I love to see people open up gifts, they’re happy. The greatest gift they could give me is for them to carry that child like happiness with them all year long! Merry Christmas, from an eternal optimist

Follow me on Twitter @MarleeMcCormick


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