Three Pending SCOTUS Decisions Have Texas Ties


Dallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – In this session, the US Supreme Court has eight decisions yet to make, three of which stem from Texas cases.  One deals with the University of Texas’ use of race in the admissions process, a case which has already been struck down once.

“The 5th Circuit in New Orleans affirmed the University of Texas’ right to consider race, and the US Supreme Court said there’s too much deference,” said legal expert Bryan Henry.  “It looks like it’s just race being used as a tie breaker.”

Henry said in the decision, the SCOTUS reversed the 5th Circuit’s ruling, and UT tweaked its admissions policies.  Those changes are now what’s being considered by the Court.

A decision could come this Thursday, or next Monday.  Justice Elena Kagan is recusing herself from the decision, because of her earlier connection to the case.

Other decisions with ties to Texas include a decision on the state’s law on abortion providers, and on which privileges are granted to the children of illegals, who were brought here to the United States.

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