Grant’s Rant – Nothing New From Hillary – 10.23.15

There were no bombshell revelations.  Hillary Clinton’s testimony simply confirmed what we already know.  She is a liar, whose self-absorbed disengagement from her people in the field cost us 4 American lives.  It confirmed Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President because of her willingness to deceive.

It’s sad most people don’t understand why the Benghazi Hearings are important.  The mainstream media have trained Americans to view Benghazi as a partisan witch-hunt.  I urge you to send this rant onto your friends who don’t understand the importance of uncovering the facts surrounding the 2012 attack.

The crux of the investigation is simple.  There are three questions that need to be answered.

1.              Could the attacks have been prevented?

2.              Could American lives have been saved?

3.              Did the administration, including Sec. Clinton, lie to the American People?

The answer to all three questions is an unequivocal, YES!

During the hearings, it became clear that Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed in the attacks, requested more security 600 times.  He sent a cable back to the State Department revealing that Al Qaeda in Libya was on the rise and he had become a prime target on an Al Qaeda hit list.   It is indisputable that his pleas for more security were ignored.  Not one of the 600 requests ever made it to Hillary’s desk.  Sec. Clinton admitted her so-called “close friend,” Chris Stevens, didn’t even have her personal email.

The hearings also confirmed that once the attack on our consulate and later our CIA Annex started, the pleas for help and reinforcements went unanswered.   Hillary says she now, “takes full responsibility,” yet we are still left asking who told our Special Forces and CIA contractors to “Stand Down?”  When air support was called in, why was it denied?   Hillary Clinton either could not, or would not, answer these critical questions.  The hearings confirmed there was help near by, and if dispatched, the 4 lives lost may have been saved.

As for the third question, did Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration lie to the American people?  The hearings continue to prove they did.  By now you have heard the original claims that an anti-Islamic movie sparked a protest that turned violent.

Even in the face of stark evidence against those claims, including the arrest of the Al Qaeda linked Ansar Al Sharia leader believed responsible for the attacks, Sec. Clinton still brings up the video as a possible cause.  Remember, she still falls back on the video even AFTER the capture of the AL Qaeda linked terrorist responsible for the attack.

Multiple hearings confirmed with eyewitness testimony that there was no protest that day in Benghazi.  Investigators even uncovered an email from Hillary Clinton to Chelsea Clinton the night of the attacks where she told Chelsea that Al Qaeda was to blame.  Yet she still went on national television to push the false narrative that a video caused the uprising.  She did it for political gain.  She did it to protect her boss during an election year.  To Hillary Clinton, politics were more important than the truth.  Americans deserve better.

The hearings are important because they continue to uncover evidence that Hillary Clinton is an incompetent and more concerned with self-interest over national interest.  Her lack of engagement cost us 4 American lives.

Even I had seen the recently de-classified State Department cable describing a meeting with three State Department employees in Benghazi with Wssim Bin Hamid.  Bin Hamid was a known Al Qaeda leader.  The CIA dubbed him “a dangerous Al Qaeda Operative.”  A Palestinian newspaper interviewed him as the, “leader of Al Qaeda in Libya.”  Yet apparently Hillary Clinton’s State Department found him trust worthy enough to meet with Bin Hamid three days before the attack on the Consulate to talk about how he could help with security.  They met with an Al Qaeda leader about security for OUR consulate!  How could they be so dumb?

When asked about this meeting during the hearing, Hillary Clinton answered, “I know NOTHING about that.”  I found her response disgraceful.  While our Consulate was burning, with our Ambassador inside, Bin Hamid was seen outside, high-fiving the leader of the Al Qaeda linked terrorist group Ansar Al Sharia.  He was high-fiving the very man now in custody for plotting the Deadly attack.  The State Department’s incompetence under the leadership of Hillary Clinton got Americans killed.

Is this the woman you want to be President?


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