Grant’s Rant – Surround Yourself with Good People – 9.30.15

The Next Presidents Dream Team Cabinet


The United States is desperate for a Republican Presidency.  We need a fundamental shift in where our country is headed.  Some of the most important advisors to the President are the members of his cabinet.  Here are my cabinet choices:Secretary of State – Ambassador John Bolton (Tough and smart)

Secretary of Defense – Col. Alan West (He knows the military and its needs.)

Attorney General – Trey Gowdy (A real prosecutor who actually respects the Constitution)

Secretary of Homeland Security – Mayor Rudi Giuliani (A former prosecutor directly affected by 9/11)

Secretary of the Treasury – Sen. Tom Coburn (Supports the Fair Tax and is against wasteful spending.)

Secretary of the Interior – Sen. Rick Santorum (He loves the Heartland!)

Secretary of Agriculture – Gov. Rick Perry (Ranchers and farmers will respect him.)

Secretary of Commerce – Sen. Jim Demint (A true Freemarketeer)

Secretary of Labor – Gov. Scott Walker  (He can bust unions like no one else)

Secretary of Health and Human Services – Sen. Ted Cruz (The man to repeal Obama care)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Rep. Paul Ryan (He has made millions in real estate, he could save us millions in real estate.)

Secretary of Transportation – Jack Welch (Former GE CEO knows how to streamline.)

Secretary of Energy – Sarah Palin (She will drive the liberals crazy)

Secretary of Education – None, I would do away with this agency.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs – Navy Seal Marcus Lutrell (A survivor who completes the mission.)

You can listen to more of my commentary on The Stinchfield Report, Monday through Friday 3-7PM on 570 KLIF.

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