Grant’s Rant – Donald Trump Dominates, While Pundits Claim he Lost – 9.18.15

For the first time in history the conservative media are in agreement with the mainstream media.  They both despise the thought of a Trump presidency.   They talk about what a horrible job he did in the debates, yet nearly every post debate poll had Trump winning.

Pundits like to talk about who had the best performance, who had the best lines and who landed the most punches.  I like to take a more statistical approach to sizing up the debates.

Mathematically Donald Trump dominated Wednesday’s debate.  He spoke the most and he was referred to the most.  Donald Trump would have made my high school football coach proud, “he stayed in the frame.”  The camera was on him all the time.  If he wasn’t talking, there was a shot of his facial expressions reacting to the others on stage.  He was always on the screen.  That’s nothing short of campaign gold.

When the debate ended, the media breathlessly declared Trump lost.  Those pundits were unaware most post debate polls had Trump winning.  The real disconnect is clearly between the professionals and the people.

I knew Donald Trump won the debate when it became clear he was going to dominate the post debate coverage and analysis.  The other candidates once again were asked about Trump.  The media played Trump sound bites.  If the other candidates got airtime it was usually them interacting with Trump.  That’s a “HUGE” victory for “The Donald.”

Donald Trump is not going away anytime soon.  He does need to watch his back.  Carly Fiorina is gaining ground.  So is Chris Christie.  I like all three of them.  It’s strange, I want to dis-like Trump. I regret to say I don’t.  I want to support Scott Walker and Ben Carson. I regret to say, I can’t.

Am I crazy that I can’t wait for the next Republican Debate on October 28th?

You can listen to more of my commentary on The Stinchfield Report, Monday through Friday 3-7PM on 570 KLIF.

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