Grant’s Rant – Don’t Call Thugs “Protestors,” They are Criminals – 8.12.2015

Listen to this Rant as spelled out on 570 KLIF Click Here.

The mainstream media wants to call the rioters and hooligans in Ferguson “protestors.”  They are not protestors.  They aren’t even respectable humans.  They are thugs and thieves working only for themselves and the liberals who want to divide our nation.

The reality is, there are two groups causing the rumpus in Ferguson and beyond.  The first is an army of professional rabble-rousers pushing a false political narrative aimed and dividing the nation and handing democrats votes.  They are the professional race baiters.  The second group of hucksters is simply a pack violent thieves using the ruckus as opportunity for financial gain.  Be warned, both groups are coming to a city near you.

On the anniversary of Michael Browns death, violence in Ferguson once again ensued.  It’s disgusting and anti-American, but it’s not surprising.   Every piece of evidence from the scene of Browns death confirmed he was a violent criminal trying to kill a police officer.  Even in the wake of stark evidence that Brown was nothing more than a nefarious thug, the professional troublemakers took the streets.  They are liars pushing a giant hoax on the uninformed American public.  Even worse they are putting our police officers in harms way.

Martin Luther King Jr. never used or advocated for violence.  His army of civil rights protestors never fired guns at police.  Their goal was never to incite violence and thievery.   Their goal was to make America a better place.

The despicable actors in Ferguson are aiming to destroy us.  It won’t work.  They will rally a few votes for the Democrats who refuse to call out the false narrative being pushed by so-called “Black Leaders” like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  But in the end most of America will wake up to the fraud being perpetrated against them.  We are a nation much too strong to fall for the hoax being conducted by some two-bit race baiting con artists.

You can listen to more of my commentary on The Stinchfield Report, Monday through Friday 3-7PM on 570 KLIF.

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