Grant’s Rant – Let’s go to the EXXXotica Expo to Help! – 7.31.15

Smart. Conservative. Unfiltered.

The Stinchfield Report 570 KLIF
3-7PM Mon thru Friday

Dallas is a city where sex sells.  Among convention promoters, Dallas is best known for its “Strippers and Steaks.”   A reality most of us simply want to ignore.   So here comes the EXXXotica Expo and we are all surprised.  Grow up!

Want to Listen to my plan spelled out on the show, click here.

Do I want this Porn Convention at our city convention center? No.  But the same 1st amendment rights I protect everyday on The Stinchfield Report, gives this porn fest a right to rent space at the city owned facility.  I don’t want the government telling us we can’t have a gun show there or a Tea Party Freedom Fest.  So what can we do about the EXXXotica Expo?  I have an idea.

I am a fan of confrontation, I always have been.  There is nothing like taking the fight directly to those engaged in an industry that objectifies young women and in many cases abuses them under threat of violence.  It is no secret that part of the porn industry consists of underage girls being brainwashed and forced into the sex trade.  My goal is to get professional counselors and advocates to reach out to those women (250 porn stars will be attending) and offer them help.  The help they need to escape a world of degradation, violence and sometimes death.

Many organizations have called for protests outside the event.  That will do nothing. The people attending the event won’t care.  Other activists have called on the city to cancel its contract with EXXXotica Expo.  That cannot be done, thanks to the 1st Amendment.  The government can’t infringe on free speech even if we don’t like the speech.  That’s a good thing.

I am on the advisory board of New Friends New Life, an organization dedicated to helping women escape the sex trade industry.  I have asked New Friends to take a booth at the convention.  Go into the belly of the beast.  If we want to reach women who need help, this sex convention is the best place for us to set up shop.

I am hopeful New Friends New Life will consider my idea.  I have met many of the young women this organization has helped in the past.  I urge them to attend the event with NFNL.  They are the best ambassadors to reveal the important reality: there is a new life possible outside of the sex industry.

I call on other organizations that dedicate their mission to helping women in need to do the same thing.  Secure a booth and just be there.  Be there to answer questions.  Be there to save a life.

If the EXXXotica Expo turns down just one of these organizations, it becomes a national news story.  That gives us a platform to get the message out.  Help is available to women who need it.

If any of these organizations want to take me up on this battle plan, I will help them raise the money for the cost of the booth.  If the convention organizers were smart, they would offer a both up for free.

The casinos support Gamblers Anonymous, the EXXXotica Expo ought to support organizations dedicated to helping women escape a life of sex, danger and degradation.

You can listen to more of my commentary on The Stinchfield Report, Monday through Friday 3-7PM on 570 KLIF.

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