Grant’s Rant – A Bully Usually Always Loses his Last Fight – 07.23.15

Smart. Conservative. Unfiltered.

The Stinchfield Report 570 KLIF
3-7PM Mon thru Friday


When you’re a candidate who shoots from the hip it means you’ll probably get into a lot of gunfights. The more gunfights you get into the greater chance there is of getting shot. There is also the chance of shooting yourself in the foot. That’s what Donald Trump did over the weekend. Now the question is, can he survive?  The answer is yes.  Foot injuries are rarely deadly.

When Donald trump called into question John McCain’s military service he showed he doesn’t always think before he speaks. “I like guys who don’t get captured,” Trump quipped about McCain’s time as a Prisoner of War.  With that one statement Trump underestimated just how devoted Republicans are to our veterans and those who serve in the military.  I don’t believe he meant his jab at McCain as an insult to all POWs, but Trump clearly needs to be more careful.

John McCain’s domestic policy maybe that of a weenie, but his service to our nation, in my mind, is nothing short of Ironman status.  He is the true definition of a war hero.  He survived years of torture and never gave in.  That’s the epitome of a hero.  Why McCain hasn’t shown that kind of toughness and fight in Washington is a mystery to me.

“The Donald” will survive this latest gaffe.  Why? His supporters love him for his reckless abandon. They love him because he is NOT a politician.  They love his willingness to take the fight directly to the candidates who have been part of the problem, republicans and democrats alike.

Still, Trump can’t afford another major mistake.  Though I am sure there will be more.  The more gaffes he makes the more people will see him as a liability on the world stage.

I would advise Trump to keep up the fight and the straight talk. But prep more and practice.  There will be traps at every corner of this campaign. The media will set some, other traps will be set by the other candidates.

Trump has proven he’s a bully willing to attack anyone over just about anything.  We need a fighter not a bully, because in the end, the bully always loses his last fight.

You can listen to more of my commentary on The Stinchfield Report, Monday through Friday 3-7PM on 570 KLIF.

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