Plano ISD to do Random Metal Detector Searches of Students

Plano, TX (WBAP/KLIF) – Plano ISD parents were notified in an email this week that the district will soon begin conducting random metal detector searches of middle and high school students.

The Dallas Morning News reports, the students must comply with the random searches or face removal from the school and possible disciplinary action.

The searches will be unannounced will target random groups, like all students in a specific classroom … or in a particular section of a building or all students in a specific hallway after the tardy bell.

The new policy was unanimously approved by the district in august “to prevent and deter students from bringing weapons to school.”

The full policy can be review here.

(Copyright 2018 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News. This report contains material from the Dallas Morning News)

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