Marlee McCormick, 11/09/16: What’s In a Tweet?

No doubt we are all breathing a sign of relief today…especially those of us in the news media (now we can start chasing new, un-election related stories!) But in the meantime…last night I was very focused on social media.  One because I was live tweeting election results for my job and two because I’m fascinated with our desire to live in 140 characters!  So I ask myself…what’s in a tweet?

Donald Trump is now President Elect, a man very familiar to Twitter will soon take over the official @POTUS account and I for one can’t wait to see what he dishes out!  Social media is relatively new to politics, but boy did the candidates take advantage of it this year. On a few occasions, those Tweets (often at the thumbs of an “aide”) maybe should have been left undone.  Now that he’ll become the leader of the free world, would Trump like to “recall” some of those messages? Does he care? Did it make a difference in the election?

President Obama was the first sitting President to have a Twitter account.  Obama was actually very active and even humorous at times, evident in his very first post in May 2015, “Hello, Twitter! It’s Barack. Really! Six years in, they’re finally giving me my own account.”  I’m quiet certain his last Tweet will not be so funny.  But he did use social media to engage, inform and entertain and I give him credit for that.

Early this morning President Elect Trump put out his first Tweet since capturing the election and I think it was very gracious.

trump-pres-elect-tweetIt’s my sincere hope that come January when he takes over the @POTUS account, they stay that way.  You can follow me on Twitter @MarleeMcCormick


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